I'm looking for the book "TDI Extended Range /Trimix Student Manual", only the German version
Raum Kiel
I'm looking for the book "TDI Extended Range /Trimix Student Manual", only the German version
Raum Kiel
Gozo Dive Travel Guide, "The Jetlegged", revised version (with supplement to the Azure Window)
Nordhausen, Leipzig, Osterrode
Sell the book "Praxis des Tauchens" in the 17th edition
Dortmund (Mitte)
Illustrated book by Tobias Friedrich
Afloat. Underwater focus on underwater photography at its finest
very well preserved
15;-- Euro plus 3;-- FB and shipping
Robert Reile Mail: Fotokunst62@web.de
Very well preserved diving magazines
6 x Album
All year round
Per album 5 Euro plus shipping
Attention : The magazine albums have weight
Search the above book.
The books are very well preserved
Per book large format 8 Euro plus shipping
Per book small format 5 Euro plus shipping
6 x Albums
With the magazines from all year round
For the years
1981 to 1986
Sorted in the album
Per album 5 Euro plus shipping
Apnea diving by Dagmar Andres-Brümmer
Basics of training tips, practice
Accidentally doubled the book. 2. updated
and extended edition 2013
Book is new and
moin, the book is very well preserved. I would like to have 10, - Euro for it. Mail delivery as a maxi letter for 2.70 euros. Insured shipping possible at a corresponding additional cost.
moin, for this book I would like to have 2, - Euro. Attention: The book has a personal dedication to the name Kay. Shipping as maxi letter 2,70 Euro. Insured shipping possible at an additional cost.
moin, well-preserved book for 2, - Euro. Shipping as maxi letter 2,70 Euro. Insured shipping possible at an additional cost.
moin, well-preserved book for 3, - Euro. Shipping as maxi letter 2,70 Euro. Insured shipping possible at an additional cost.
Coral Reefs in the Anthropocene - 40 EUR: book in very good condition, the first pages are slightly wavy (due to incorrect storage), a slight scratch on the front of the book,
This volume investigates the effects of human activities on coral reefs, which provide important life-supporting systems to surrounding natural and human communities. It examines the self-reinforcing ecological, economic and technological mechanisms that degrade coral reef ecosystems around the world.
Dynamics of Coral Communities - 30 EUR: lower right corner slightly bumped, upper right corner slightly bumped, slight kink there in the outer envelope. Otherwise impeccable, practically unread copy, without paintings, entries, etc. Spine without kinks.
New unused 18EUR
New unused 18EUR
Diverse Tauchbücher
50 Euros
Open Water Ausbildungsbuch und 3 Lerntafeln
30 Euros
Documentary about the underground cave system in Yucatan, which played a major role in Mayan mythology. Their religion said that waterholes and caves lead directly into the underworld Xibalba. Often they were also the only source of water. In Mayan mythology, Xibalba was the place where everyone had to wait for the call to heaven after their death. Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges you can face as a diver or as a researcher is to explore the complicated system. Relics of the ancient sacrificial site of the Maya can still be found there today, preserved deep under water. Inconspicuous waterholes in Mexico lead into spectacular underwater worlds that give researchers insights into a long-extinct culture. The complex cave system of Yucatan allows an underground journey from the jungle to the ocean.
SHIPWRACKS IN FLORIDA offer for 33.- Euro
CURRENT PRICE IN AMERICA 48.- $ (see last picture)
on oceans (dot) com (dot) au
un d
e - bay atocha (see last picture)
If you buy all 3 TREASURE BOOKS offered here (dive guide + altocha + shipwrecks in Florida) together, the 3rd book is FREE.
SHIPWRECKS of Florida – a comprehensive listing
Book in English:
Steven D. Singer
Shipwrecks of Florida – a comprehensive Listing
Second Edition
1992, 1998 Steven D. Singer
Over 2100 Listings
200 illustrations
6 Shipwreck Narratives
plus sections on:
Search and salvage
Wreck identification
Artifact conservation
Rights to wrecks
Size: 15 x 23 cm
Approx. 395 pages
Steven Danforth Singer has 30 years of diving experience, is a certified scuba instructor and has been involved in numerous archaeological rescue programs and treasure collection projects. He studied underwater archaeology at Nova University and also writes for some diving magazines. He is President of the Non-Profit Marine Archaeological Council, Inc.
um 33.- Euro
AKTUELLER PREIS IN AMERICA 48.- $ (siehe letztes Bild)
auf oceans (punkt) com (punkt) au
e - bay atocha (letztes Bild)
Sollten Sie alle 3 hier angebotenen SCHATZBÜCHER (Tauchführer + Altocha + Schiffswracks in Florida) zusammen kaufen, gibt es das 3te Buch GRATIS.
Including Locations of Sunken Treasues, Techniques of Research, Search, and Salvage; Wreck Identification; and Submarine Archaeology
(Buch in Englisch)
By John S. Potter, Jr.
Illustrated with Detail Maps, Diagrams, Photographes, and Prints
Das Buch beinhaltet u. a. folgende Themen: Fundorte versunkener Schätze, Such- und Bergungstechniken, Schiffswrackidentifikation und Unterwasserarchäologie
Von John S. Potter, Jr.
Mit zahlreichen Karten, Diagrammen, Fotos und Drucken
Port Salerno, Florida
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-97681
Copyright 1960, 1972 by John S. Potter, Jr.
Printed in USA
Format: ca. 15 x 23 cm
Content :Section Two :
8) The Eastern Caribbean (Hisbaniola, the Antilles, and Venezuela)
9) Cuba
10) The Golf of Mexico and Yucatan
11) Central America and the Western Caribbean
12) South America – West Coast
13) Florida
14) The Bahamas and Bermudas
15) South America – East Coast
16) The Atlantic Ocean
17) The Invisible Armada
18) Portugal and Atlantic Spain
19) The British Isles
20) Western Continental Europa
21) The Mediterranean
22) Southeast Africa and the Indian Ocean
23) The South Pacific
24) The Manila Galleons
25) Asia
26) North America – West Coast
27) North America – East Coast
28) The Great Lakes
29) Denting the Depth Barrier
General Index of Sunken Treasures by Year
General Index of Sunken Wrecks by Name
Horst Ackermann:
Video under water.
Mediabook Verlag, 2004; Brochure, 16.5 x 24 cm
used, signed, condition: 2
3,00 Euro + Shipping
J. Piccard:
Logbook from the depths of the sea.
DVA, 1975; hardcover, 17 x 24.5 cm
used, condition: 2
5.00 + Shipping
J.-Y. Cousteau, Ph. Diole:
Seals, seals, walruses.
Droemer Knaur, 1974; hardcover, 18.5 x 26.5 cm
used, condition: 2 (dust jacket slightly damaged)
6,00 Euro + Shipping
J.-Y. Cousteau, F. Dumas:
The silent world.
Blanvalet Verlag, 1953; hardcover, 16,5 x 24 cm
used, condition: 3 (dust jacket damaged)
19.00 + Shipping
B. Stonehouse:
The Living World of the Sea.
Hamlyn, 1979; gebunden, 23,5 x 32,5 cm
gebraucht, Zustand: 2
12,00 Euro + Versand
E. Bundtzen:
We dived in baltic sea and black sea.
Ziemsen Verlag, 1974; hardcover, 17 x 23.5 cm
used, condition: 2
5,00 Euro + shipping
Schneider / Kromp / Prey:
Safe diving with Nitrox.
Kosmos, 2008; hardcover, 13 x 19 cm
used, condition: 1A
16,00 Euro + Shipping
Jochen Wagner:
Fin diving.
Verlag Sport und Technik, 1961; Brochure, 11 x 18 cm
used, condition: 2
10,00 Euro + Shipping
H. Frei, F. Brümmer:
The Green Universe
Müller Rüschlikon, 2011; hardcover, 23,5 x 27 cm
used, condition: 1A
22,00 Euro + Shipping
Kamillo White:
Wonderland of Underwater Photography
Laterna magica, 1981; binding, 20.5 x 28 cm
used, condition: 1
4,50 Euro + Shipping
Heinz Krimmer:
Coral Reef Network
Kosmos, 2017; hardcover, 13.5 x 21.5 cm
used, condition: 1A
14.00 + Shipping
J.-Y. Cousteau, Ph. Cousteau:
Sharks. Magnificent robbers of the sea
Knaur, 1971; hardcover, 11.5 x 18 cm
used, condition: 1
8,00 Euro + Shipping
Louis Boutan:
La Photographie Sous-marine et les Progres de la Photographie
Edition J.-M. Place, Paris, 1987
Reprint of the original edition of 1900
bound, used, condition:1A
29,00 Euro plus VAT. Dispatch
18EUR incl. shipping with Deutsche Post book shipment
The original price is vei 29,90EUR
(https://www.amazon.de/dp/389594047X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_wpU7CbBFS36S6, The customer recessions are also interesting here)
Conveys great basic knowledge!
Condition: Good (as seen)
Sale to the exclusion of any warranty or guarantee.
Vielleicht sucht ja noch jemand dieses seltene Werk.
Infos zu dem Buch bei Amazon:
"For the last 30 years, this book has been considered the "bible" of diving medicine. It is extremely well known to doctors and researchers working in this field, and its editors and contributors are internationally recognized as experts on the subject. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments in the field. Be sure to check sales of the previous edition on this title. It is well known in the field of diving."
Neupreis: 280 EUR
VP (inkl. Versand) 190 EUR