Offer Dive Gear Immersion Suit Model I590c Survival Suit
New Unused Immersion Suit Model I590c Survival Suit
was unpacked only for the photos. (2 pieces available)
The suit made of 5 mm stretchable refractory neoprene, offers a high-quality protection against hypothermia.
Designed to protect individuals from drowning and the cold, e.g. sail on ships or yachts.
Includes: waterproof plastic bag, insulating gloves, inflatable headrest against suffocation, settings for ankle and wrist, non-slip soles, includes a pipe and also a light bag for emergency light as well as reflective strips 3M-Scotchit type SOLAS 3150-A - which makes it easier for rescuers to find people in the water.
A universal adult version > 50-150 kg / 150-190 cm
Private sale without guarantee & return
190.- EURuro incl. shipping (FRG) per pcs.
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